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Life Lesson

Inner Conversation



In a media dominated age, how do we value time? Time measures our lives in; past, present and future. Time prevent us from living in a permanent position. You won’t laugh, hurt, grieve or live forever because time changes everything. We have to treasure time in our lives and use it wisely. Whatever you invest you time in determines what you will become.

Like money;

Time can be stolen

Time can be abused

Time can be lost

Time can be squandered

Time can be appreciated

How many days of your life have you spent on things that didn’t count? Who are you spending time with? What are you spending time on? Where do you spend your time? To value and redeem time in our lives might require we drop certain relationships and activities in our lives.

At some point in our lives, we have to chose what to do with our time, adjust our relationships, change what we read and what we watch. We can never stop or control time, time just doesn’t adjust to us. We can’t speed or slow time. Till death we are victims to time. Make the best of time by managing it well. Design your days to create value in your life.

As a youth, instead of spending 24hrs on your phone or Ipad, invest in your mind and future. As a parent, dedicate more time to your kids, before you know it they grow up and leave you. Time provides us a space to love the people we cherish, let’s grab it. Let’s drop pettiness, and grievances from the past. It is sad most of us live in one spot in time throughout our lives and that is the past. Live now, love, forgive and laugh all you can. You are the product of how you use your time. Time should be used to initiate, create, develop, build, and add value to the life that exists in it.

 Time is more valuable than money. you can get more money, but you can't get more time...Jim Rohn

Let him who will enjoy a good future waste none of his present...Roger Babson


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