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Life Lesson

Inner Conversation


Lessons from my father


As I grew from childhood to adulthood, one of the things I am most grateful for is having a father who played several influential roles in my life. As a teenager, I had shunned the strong discipline and pressure place on me by my father to make me a model citizen. As I matured and went out to face the world on my own, these elements have accompanied me and have been the ingredient for most of my successes.

 I learned so much from my father, but two great lessons stand out for me till this day. The first lesson came when I was about 15 years old. I was facing my teenage demons, bullies and so many other psychological issues. I wrote my dad telling him I was tired and I wanted to change schools. My dad responded with a letter whose words are engraved on my heart to this day.

“My daughter to succeed in this world, fortitude and determination has to be your watch word. Always know this, if your star has to shine, nothing and nobody can stop it from shining…if something is meant to be yours, no one can take it away from you…”

The words molded me into a stronger, braver and confident lady. It fired me up to stand up to my fears and to never consider quitting an option.  The second life changing lesson came when my dad gave me a talk before I left for university;

  “My daughter as you go on to the university and in life, let these three things be your guide;

           Always remember who you are

          Always remember where you come from

         Always keep in mind where you are going”

My life has been blessed and directed by lessons I learned from my father. As I go through life I carry his wisdom with me. He was a father, a friend and a mentor. Till his final days on earth, he never stopped pushing me even further than I thought I could go. Though snatched unexpectedly by death, his final words during our last conversation on phone was

“Just keep trying”

I live grateful and thankful to God each day for a loving and concerned father I was privilege to have. Fathers they say are their daughter’s first love. My dad was that and more….

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